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The art of ritual embodied through dance, celebration and ceremony

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In this workshop we use dance through a guided ceremony to assist in a deeper mind, body, spirit connection and bring them into balance.


Using the alchemy of movement, meditation & writing  we will dance through the elemental forces of nature by manifesting them through our movements and transmuting negative blocks, as well as expand your wisdom about the alchemy within our selves and our world.

A truly unique and powerful experience 


I give you the tools to work  with the elements to harness your creative power and allow yourself to return to your authentic heart space and access your truth, power, and wisdom you hold in your body. 

The four elements are present all around and within you.

They are essential to all life. You and the universe are formed by these four elements: earth, air, water, fire, source.


These elements go beyond the physical and manifest as personality traits and energetic forces too. 


My intentions with this offering is to guide you through activating these 4 elements and help you understand the way they work and manifest in your life, and how you can become an alchemist of your reality when you learn to dance with them. 

In the ceremony we will activate each element AIR,WATER, FIRE, EARTH, and the transmutation process through  the combination of these elements moving through your body.


In combination with other guided movement techniques and rituals to awaken you passion & purpose, to harness your power & vitality, reframe your mindset to a positive outlook, set intention and

empower you to go after you dreams.


I will be including various breath work, writing, and dance movement exercises that have a symbiotic relationship with each element. 




I can facilitate this workshop with enough material for a full retreat and shorter sessions. Private sessions available, where we can go even deeper into the healing of dance and somatic work.




  • Art of ritual discussion 

  • Altar creation tools

  • Intention setting

  • Guatemalan cacao or tea ceremony

  • Manifestation techniques

  • Breath-work/activating PRANA (life force energy) 

  • Sacred geometry movement techniques

  • Guided dance ceremony 

  • Writing exercises

  • Supportive community / Divine guidance / Eternal love.

Dance Alchemey

Sacred Self Expression

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